Christmas Winter Clothing Appeal

Bring warmth this winter - gift clothing to those in need.
Many young people and adults arrive at Blue Triangle with only the clothes on their back. You can provide them with the essentials they need to keep warm this Christmas and beyond.
Donate to Blue Triangle’s Christmas Winter Clothing Appeal today.
You’ll be helping people like Amy from Falkirk who was suddenly made homeless through no fault of her own and came to Blue Triangle desperately in need of warm clothing.
Case Study
Read Amy’s story about how Blue Triangle support helped her to live independently and start an art course at university.
"One fond memory from my stay at Blue Triangle would be at Christmas time when I first arrived as I got to help decorate the Christmas tree..."
How your support can help
- £5 could give a warm hat or gloves
- £15 could provide comforting pyjamas
- £40 could gift essential winter boots
- £50 could provide a warm winter coat
Homelessness in Scotland
Homelessness in Scotland has increased alarmingly since 2017/18, surpassing pre-pandemic levels. This has been driven by several causes, including a cost-of-living crisis that has pushed lower-income people into deep poverty and a difficult housing sector with rising prices.
In Scotland, the number of people sleeping rough, living in hostels and using unsuitable temporary accommodation such as B&Bs or sleeping in cars is predicted to rise by a third in the next two years.
Watch the short film below about our Christmas appeal and how it can help the people we support.
About Blue Triangle
Blue Triangle is a Glasgow-based homelessness and social care charity that supports over 400 young people and adults across Scotland every single day with a safe, secure place to live and ongoing support.
Our services are operating at full capacity and winter clothing is urgently needed to provide warmth, dignity and hope to supported people.
Donate to Blue Triangle’s Christmas Winter Clothing Appeal today.
*Please be aware that due to logistics, storage and sizing, we cannot accept second hand clothing donations. Supported people will be gifted new clothing specific to their needs.
**Should we raise more than is needed over Winter, your donation will continue be used throughout the year to provide supported people with the essentials they need.
Donations can also be made via cheque to Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association.
These can be posted to:
Blue Triangle, 100 Berkeley Street, Third Floor , Glasgow , G3 7HU