Annual Report 2022

“2021-22 presented many challenges as we navigated through COVID whilst continuing to deliver front-line support to over 400 people every day in nine Local Authority areas. I want to put on record my thanks to my staff teams who showed dedication and commitment to get the job done, no matter what was thrown at them – their perseverance and resilience was second to none. They all absolutely lived out our values of Being Kind, Passionate, and Creative every day, bringing Hope and sharing Love to help the people we support get through what was a difficult year for them.
However, in amongst the challenges of maintaining live service delivery, we continued to make significant progress in driving our Transformation Programme, ensuring we laid the foundations for our future growth as a progressive and innovative organisation who is needs-led and solution-focused in all we do.
We designed and mobilised trauma-informed, person-centred, and wellbeing-focused solutions to deliver our Mission to Empower People, Families, and Communities to Thrive, and we built the internal capabilities and capacity to ensure Blue Triangle is recognised as a driving force for reform and a champion for social care redesign in Scotland.
I encourage you to read our full annual report to find out more about the fantastic work of our staff, and success stories from our supported people.”
Iain MacFarlane, CEO