We are blue triangle
To empower people to thrive.
That individuals can access safe, secure housing and person-centred solutions that support their wellbeing.
We are a social care provider and Registered Social Landlord. We provide safe, psychologically and trauma informed support.

Our work...
Blue Triangle operates 36 services across the 10 local authorites we work in
We currently have 26 supported accommodation services which accept referrals directly from local councils, social services and homelessness teams
We operate young people’s services in East Ayrshire, East Lothian, Falkirk, Glasgow, Renfrewshire & North Lanarkshire
Blue Triangle also operates a dedicated family serivce in East Kilbride, with family flats and bedsits.
We have a range of outreach services including Housing First, Floating Support, WRAP Community Service, Intense Floating Support and our CORRA funded services.
What we do

Supported accommodation
Blue Triangle runs 26 services across 10 local authorities. Our staff support the people who enter our services towards gaining their own tenancy. Many of our services also have ‘outreach scatter flats’ attached to them, offering a stepping stone progression towards an interdependent tenancy offer from the Local Authority.
We provide those entering our services with a safe and supportive environment and work with them towards gaining their own tenancy. Our staff are trauma-informed and available 24/7 in all our services, championing our supported people’s rights and helping them overcome barriers.
We work with those in the community through our outreach services and the public and social sector. Our staff focus on the need of each individual and support them with their recovery and sustaining their tenancy.
Young people
38% of those entering our services in 2023 were young people aged 16 – 25 years old. This includes working with care-experienced young people, and our staff uphold The Promise, building relationships with the young people’s families and giving them ownership of their support plan.
Blue Triangle also operates a dedicated family service in East Kilbride, with family flats and bedsits which can accommodate expectant mothers and also women fleeing from domestic abuse situations. Staff work with the local housing department to source moving on accommodation, and also with partner agencies to supply necessary essentials.

We run the following services:
- Homes First (in partnership with Simon Community & Barnardos) and First Stop Emergency Accommodation Services run in North Lanarkshire and East Kilbride.
- Housing First Outreach support in Kilmarnock: 4 outreach flats supporting people in the community who have either transitioned from the core service into these properties or people who have been referred to the service who do not require intensive support.
- Glasgow Floating Support: 8 outreach flats in both Shettleston and Broomhill area with dedicated floating support workers.
- Paisley WRAP community service: (Working to Reconnect + Achieve Potential). The WRAP service is a partnership between Blue Triangle and Renfrewshire Council. It provides Intensive Housing Support to people who have a history of failed tenancies and multiple homeless presentations. Often the people WRAP support have complex mental health issues and can be trying to overcome addiction. Staff also aim to ensure that the person is engaging with relevant services in a meaningful way.
- Hamilton Intense Floating Support: This service provides flexible intensive outreach support to 18 people within the local area who have experience trauma in their lives and who have had a history of failed tenancies over a period of time. There are 3 dedicated workers attached to this service who work very closely with each person to provide wrap around support. There is no time limit as to how long a person can be supported by this service.
Our CORRA Funded Services

Based in North Lanarkshire’s Crisis Outreach Centre, 82-86, Stirling House, Stirling Street, Airdrie, ML6 0AS
Freephone: 0808 175 4006
Breakthrough is an intensive support service within North Lanarkshire, for people of any age with alcohol or substance issues, mental health, or housing issues. They deliver a trauma-informed, person-centered approach working within a Connected Community model, linking in with other groups and agencies in the local area. They provide assertive outreach and sustainable connections to support individuals on their recovery journey, with direct support and engagement tailored to each individual’s needs and pace.
Referrals welcome via other agencies or self-referral.
Based in Blue Triangle’s Alexandria service
Freephone: 0808 175 4007
RISE aims to help individuals in their journey to becoming more connected in the community and reduce the stigma surrounding addictions. The Intensive Recovery Service aims to provide a person-centred approach to support individuals in their recovery and sustain their tenancy.
RISE recognizes that everyone’s journey is unique, and people will be at different stages in their recovery. They can help those in active addiction access rehabilitation services, provide support to maintain appointments and provide training in the use of naloxone in hope to reduce drug death within the local community. They also run SMART Recovery meetings in the CARTA Building on Tuesdays at 5pm.

Based in Charlotte Street, Ayr, KA7 1EA
Staffed Mon 9.30am – 2pm, Wed 1.30pm – 4pm, Fri 9am – 2pm
Freephone: 0808 175 4008
ROOTS supports individuals in Ayr and the referral pathway is a mixture of statutory, third sector and self-referrals. The referral process is very simplified and the main criteria is reach individuals that are at risk of drug related death and are currently in the homeless sector of housing provision. ROOTS takes referrals from people in supported accommodation across South Ayrshire and people living in temporary furnished accommodation.
ROOTS outcomes are to reduce drug related death and the number of non-fatal overdoses, provide health and wellbeing education, self-management skills, harm reduction and to move into more positive destinations through appropriate sign posting and moving on plans. They provide short term and often crisis intervention and work around pre-rehab, accessing rehab and post rehab.
ROOTS run SMART Recovery meetings every Monday at Ayr Baptist Church from 2pm and on the last Friday of every month at Café Hope, 6pm.
Based in Blue Triangle’s Oban Shore Street service
Freephone: 0808 175 4009
SORCHA works alongside various community groups within the Oban area to offer support to vulnerable adults with addiction and homeless related issues. SORCHA offers a holistic approach to all family members and will link them in with relevant agencies as required. This support is provided by SORCHA while in supported accommodation, transitioning from supported accommodation into their own home and out in the community to ensure they can maintain their tenancies.
SORCHA has received self-referrals and referrals from the local NHS Mental Health Team, local Police and Housing Services. They have built good working partnership relationships with “We are with you” addiction services, Police, NHS – Harm Reduction and our local wellbeing groups.
SORCHA offers Brunch and Banter once a week in our HUB, recovery group sessions weekly alongside SMART recovery online meetings. SORCHA is able to provide Naloxone training to both staff and supported people as and when required.
Our values, we are: